Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

First day of a new year 2014

Thank God very much for the years ago for He never forsake me and sent His angels around me.
God, please teach me and lead me for this new year ahead.
A new day, A new year, A new life, A new me, A new hair, A new job, A new church, A new starting in the Lord...
May God's Will be done in my life always.
In Jesus's name, Amen!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A turning corner

I'm blessed. STPM has overed. Finally ! Thank God for His leading and presences never leave me alone. I trust in Him because He is in control. May God's will be done. In Jesus's name, Amen!
I'm blessed. Holiday is here to me. Do anything I want and I wished.
I'm blessed. Parents bought me a Samsung note3 . Thankful!

I'm blessed! Just shopping a day and enjoyed a movie. 

Thank God for His mercy is enough to me. He loves me so much .

Friday, October 18, 2013


她错了,我不想和他一起错。 我不想因为报复他,而让我自己做错。
若是神的旨意,有什么好怕的?我不怕!因为神在掌管,而且神永远都是对的。 In this game, I admit I'm lose, but I lose in God's peace.
Thank God for being there with us. I know we will be able to go through everything because HE IS ABLE! Oh, my Almighty God! Feeling proud of my God because my God is an awesome God!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


I don't understand, I don't know why it's so hard to close to u. I'm scared, I'm fearful. 没了安全感,这感觉真的很恐怖。。。
God, God, God, I cry unto u, Please, Please, Please, don't let us leave u.
I'm sorry, so sorry. I lose myself again. Sorry God, I'm imperfect, Sorry God, I couldn't strong enough. I'm sorry, Lord. Again and again, I let u disappointed. God, in this time, I really hope a hug from u. Fill your angels around me please...

Monday, October 7, 2013


In this moment, I really don't know  how to do. God, Please show me and lead to the right path. Please be my light and  brighten my ways to go on.
主,这世界的对对错错,真真假假,我真的分不清了。主,不要让迷糊了。主,请你不要不出声,我需要你的指示。I don't wish to hear voice from man, but from U alone. Please answer me as u did always. As your promised goes, seek U and will be seek. Find U and will be found. God, I really need u to guide me go on. U are my God, my boss, my head, I'm just a useless vessel of u. Please show me and let me do everything according to Your Will. May Your Will be done always. In Jesus name, Amen.

Friday, October 4, 2013



Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Answer from God!

Thanks for answering me, God. Few days, i seek for God and asking an explain from God, why this all happens. He answered.

Thank God :) He answered me.Thanks for let me heard from u, it was a sweet sound and comfort. I will wait for Your Coming until the end. 

During this time, my brother is having pmr and me is having pra- exam. God, please keep us under Your wings, away from the voices of this world. We need a quiet in U. Strengthen us no matter what is in the future.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Asking God, Seeking God......

God, I admitted I'm weak and poor. I'm useless. I'm nothing. I'm hopeless. Tear drops again and again when it goes to midnight and alone to myself. I ever thought and telling myself this will be the last tear of eyes, but I failed again and again. I'm sorry God. I'm sorry. I can't be strong enough.  I don't know what should I do and what is the right thing to do. I have been waiting for Your answer for a long time. I'm sorry Lord, I'm impatient. I'm tired of pretending strong. It's hard and tough to do something I'm not. I feel hopeless to this world. I'm sorry for my weakness.
I really hope U were here. I need a hug. I need Your righteousness. I need a prayer from U. I need a courage from U to carry me on. I need an understanding from U. I need an answer from U. I need to cry before U.   All to all, I need U.
God, everything has Your plan and I trust that it will be perfect plan. But God sorry for praying that I hope u can come to this world asap. This world need u. Please come and save us. I hope everything stop by now although I'm not ready for Your coming. Please prove that U are in control. Please don't let people against Your Will. Please may Your Will always be done. Please separate the light  and darkness.  Please show and prove Your righteousness to me. Please don't break my prayer and my dream. I need U to hold me stronger against all the storms. Please always  be there with me. I need U, God for every seconds.
Please let everything recover. Heals my family hurts, recover our faith, stay us stronger against the enemies. In the name of Jesus,Amen. (KJV) Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (和合本简体) Luke 19:10 人子来,为要寻找拯救失丧的人。


Have I changed? Am I changed ? Am I shouldn't changed? I'm tired. I'm just hope someone understand. I just hope don't stress out myself. I'm just hope I can be myself. I'm just hope do whatever I like.  I'm who I am. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I couldn't keep up. Time made everything changed, maybe I had changed but my love and missing to u never ever changed.

Monday, September 9, 2013


This video talks a lot to me. It touched my heart deeply although it was a short video.
天堂是真的 (上半部)

God is real and He is awesome, always!
Everything changed due to the time passed. Change, change, change. BuT, indeed God is still the same. Never forsake me, but be my strength. Thank God for being so true to me. U are the one and the only that i could trust to. Thank you for let me know u in my lives. Without u, I'm nothing. Without u, I have no today. Without, i couldn't imagine how can i alive. Thank you for being my everything, God. All in all, I give thanks unto U no matter good or bad.

Absent to school

Today cirit -birit and headache. 病了,但绝不倒了。

Friday, August 23, 2013

God cares!

父母都病倒了,下个星期一考试开始了,主,我需要从你而来的力量,赐我坚强。Always be with us, God, I pray in Jesus name, Amen.

Monday, August 12, 2013


Tears drop...

I don't know how much time i need to take and get myself back. It's really pain, like heart bleeds.
I'm not sure how am i trust on man again. I hate myself, because my heart wasn't die. Heart, please die, so that i won't has any feeling.
God, i trust on U alone. Not MAN!
God, my hope is in U alone. Not MAN!
很多时候,当心静下时,不知不觉中,眼泪就从眼角流下了。也许还没习惯吧?十九年的感情,就这样没了。你的背叛,让我承受这些。。。I can't forget your betrayal, may be one day, i will forgive u. But i will never walk back again. Chance always has one time, once u break it, it broke. Never be the same again, never.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

How to go on?

God, i'm blur, i'm miserable, i lost my way, i lost my vision.
I dont know how to go on right now. Show me the way and may Your Will be done always.
Show your power in this earth. Please, be there with me. Strengthen me always.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Trust 信任

Time, i scared of u, i lose u.
Time, u had changed my everything.
Time, u made me can't recognize everything around me.
Time, because of u, i lost everything.
I am weak, i lost my trust on man, i have no my faith on man. Man is scaring to me.
God, u are the only trust now. Please give me back my peace. I trust in You alone. 

Friday, July 19, 2013

Pray for my muet exam

Many problems come at one go, can't stop. Assignments, presentations, exam, homework,test, and so on. All wanna dateline next week. Family problem. Yet, tomorrow exam muet 3papers without preparation.
God, teach me and guide me how to alive. I'm weak, not strong enough to handle all this. God, I can only fully trust on U. Please God, give me wisdom and understanding for tomorrow exam. I need your leading throughout the ways. May Your Will always be done in my life. In Jesus name, Amen.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

God is wonderful, always the same!

God always answers my prayers! Never fail! Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, He is the same, never change, especially His love to me!
God, Thank you! Indeed, thank you very much from the bottom of my heart! Thanks for answered my every prayers and it also shows to me that U never forsake me.
Thank you once again for always there with me :)
I pray for the beginning until the end about sem 2 since after sem 1. I prayed to God, "God, may Your Will always be done in my life. I don't want the best results, just the better results. Pray my result around 3.2 or 3.3, then enough for me." God doesn't has second words for me, just gave me strength when i weak and struggle. He did be my help, my hope, my strength, my everything throughout this sem 2. Now i can stand out and testimony that "God is with me all the ways came through my hardest time". Glory unto God!*Thankful*
Yesterday, i just got the confirmed that result gonna to be out today 12am. The hours filled with fear and scaring, but no worries, just trembling and wondering how my result gonna to be.
11.36am, the fear from heart suddenly so strong. I seeked God and asked Him a word "How?". He gave me a voice “ In all things, must give thanks to me ". I was wondering about what God is telling to me. Is it gonna to be a bad result? and still i have to give thanks to Him. Think twice about it. God said " Don't u need to thank me if u get bad result? and why must only give thanks when bad result?" Without second mind, in the first seconds, i answered "of course, i will give thanks to U no matter what."
12am! I got my sms! I got 1A 2B+ 1B. The first mind after eyed of my result, i asked " God, why do u love me so much? :')" Thank God and glory unto Him. I know my result may not so good to some people but it's enough for me. This result is just what i asked from God. I'm happy not because of my good result, it's because GOD ANSWERED MY PRAYER!! ^^
In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.1 Thessalonians 5:18

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Miserable moment.

Right now, cry is the most and the only way to release myself.
God, i wonder and don't know why U let all this happened. Are my family and i so strong enough to hold this all? God, indeed, i'm miserable.
I cant share this with people around me, and they also never know my feeling. God, U are the only one, the most suitable one. Please God, right now, be there with my family.
The first time, my dad, who never failed to do anything and who always think positive. But, now, he break his heart since two days ago. Every moment with a sigh. Heart bleeding. The first time.
God, please be there with my family.
My mum who always shout and loud when problems happened. But now she keep quiet there with a lot worries in mind.
Time change people, time change everything, time change our emotion every seconds.
Haiz. . . Faces with worries...
God, may Your Will be done.
Strengthen my family , Lord. to walk through all this problems.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Last sport day of my life ~

Yesterday slept at 2:45am ,but I managed to bought five flight tickets to Taiwan! Yay!!
Sadly. Woke up at 4:30am. Damn tiring! Join sport day just because of financial club...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Finally back to here!

It had been a quiet a long time disappear from here since school reopened.
As expected, homework and assignments come to me non-stop although without my welcome.
Tasks, tasks, tasks... i'm really tired of it.
Problems, problems, problems... i'm sick of it.
Indeed, my thought of worry came to me. Many things to be worry about, many unsure leaded me to fearful. But i won't forget my trustful helper is with me.
Always, He is my rely whenever i felt weak, sick, despair and hopeless.
Prayer from the bottom of my heart:
Yet, thankful, He never fails to help me and carry on me in the hardship of my days. 

Of course, beside of all the tasks, there were happy things happened during this few weeks.
Sister went back last week. I thought this could gave me a chance to dis-stress myself away from all the tasks. Sadly it did not, yet make my time lesser to do the time i should do. Now i understand, we must do the right things in the right time, not do the right things in the wrong time.
The place and the enjoyment showed as below:
I love this pic so much! So successful for it! :)
My second love :D

I think she looks younger than me :/
Honestly, i felt i was getting much older after my form six started :/ what's a sad thing!

Felt warmed with this picture!
Had a nice day with family!
I'm gonna crazy with this! My first time and fall in love with it XD
A big thank you to jie jie! for chia us twice baskin robbins, starbuck, and so on!
A nice and homely place!
Memories forever!

Friday, June 7, 2013

I am weak

Woke up on 8am.
Friend, Sin Tze came my house on 9am.
Project started!
Lip Chun came on 11am.
Lunch time, i wanted to cooked spaghetti for my friends, but i failed badly.
When i wanna open a can, my finger hurt. I fainted. No strength and no energy anymore to stand. I sit down on the floor. Started to see stars around, everything became blur from my eyes. Thank God , God saved my life again. Thank God, He gave me breathe. 
Thumb still pain :'(  It brings difficulties to my life now. Say no to tetris battle, bathe and wash hair with one hand,.....

Pain :'(
Boys played games
Night time, we enjoyed the time with my cousins from singapore.
Pillow fight between bro and cousin! 

I always thought that I was strong, but i false. I'm totally weak! God, please be my strength all the times. I can't without u even a second.
Joel 3:10 (NIV) Let the weak say, “I am strong.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013



Monday, June 3, 2013

Outing trip!

Had a wonderful and enjoyable trip with Auntie and her family to beach!
First station -pandan beach
Second station -retreat resort
Third station -bau for lunch
Last station -tasik at bau

Saturday, June 1, 2013

~Holy Sunday~

Had a wonderful praise and worship. Today church filled with many new faces. And special of today is baptising.
Ready for going to church!

Shopping day

I think today is the first day that I had shopping the most. First station is boulevard. Then, night time dinner without mum because she went to gathering with her ex -classmates. Next, we went to crown tower. Then, having dinner at station one, the hills. Met a singer there. Fourth station is hock lee center. The final station is plaza merdeka.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Amazing Race!

Attended youth activity "Amazing Race" at Taman Sahabat during the night time.
We separated into two group, "Light & Salt".
Starting of activity

My group "SALT"
Process of finding the envelopes
Ending of activity
My group won! =)

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Outing with buddies!

This morning, we went to State Library, Sarawak. We planned to do our account project. But the library only open at 11am. So end up, we enjoyed photo shooting together!
This picture looked like we were at airport and gonna go kl...
Me & Lina
Lina & Sin Tze

Me & Sin Tze
Three gals~
Boys were busying with their phone while girls were busying photo shoot.

 Finally we entered the library!
Online? cheat de! only for google @@

Before we left...
Such a beautiful scene!
Next, Life cafe!
Boysss- Lip Chun, Ming Ming, Tun Sing
Girlsss- Sin Tze, Lina, Me
Lunch at 3pm
Then after lunch, game-ing started! Tetris battle!

Game still not enough! Continue at my house! :D

Enjoyed so much fun but so tiring! time to sleep! :)))