Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Asking God, Seeking God......

God, I admitted I'm weak and poor. I'm useless. I'm nothing. I'm hopeless. Tear drops again and again when it goes to midnight and alone to myself. I ever thought and telling myself this will be the last tear of eyes, but I failed again and again. I'm sorry God. I'm sorry. I can't be strong enough.  I don't know what should I do and what is the right thing to do. I have been waiting for Your answer for a long time. I'm sorry Lord, I'm impatient. I'm tired of pretending strong. It's hard and tough to do something I'm not. I feel hopeless to this world. I'm sorry for my weakness.
I really hope U were here. I need a hug. I need Your righteousness. I need a prayer from U. I need a courage from U to carry me on. I need an understanding from U. I need an answer from U. I need to cry before U.   All to all, I need U.
God, everything has Your plan and I trust that it will be perfect plan. But God sorry for praying that I hope u can come to this world asap. This world need u. Please come and save us. I hope everything stop by now although I'm not ready for Your coming. Please prove that U are in control. Please don't let people against Your Will. Please may Your Will always be done. Please separate the light  and darkness.  Please show and prove Your righteousness to me. Please don't break my prayer and my dream. I need U to hold me stronger against all the storms. Please always  be there with me. I need U, God for every seconds.
Please let everything recover. Heals my family hurts, recover our faith, stay us stronger against the enemies. In the name of Jesus,Amen. (KJV) Luke 19:10 For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (和合本简体) Luke 19:10 人子来,为要寻找拯救失丧的人。

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