Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Sunday, December 30, 2012

My DEC 2012 holiday at KL(Retreat) and Singapore!

I miss my lost cap! :'( It really hurt my heart so much...

Service time!
Supper with this three pretty lady!
Maggie mee cup


pay attention seriously!!

Ah Moi cantik!!
haha!! My job!!
Big Family photos!!
My dear ailing jie!! So glad she can join this retreat!!
My lovely Gloria jie!!
Pastor Peter!!
Who ever save my life when i drop in a deep waterfall.

Uncle Sim!
Who cares for me since i was young.

The way to Singapore... 8 hours.
I did have a good fellowship with Singapore youths:)

Me and my cousins;D
Dou Fu Hua! chia by Deb! nice one!
Garden by the Bay! Flower dome ^^

I love my phone camera:D
The scene i always see from singapore drama.
Me and Deb!
I can't hug this christmas tree...
My shirt colour was sut this snow man.
God's creation is so beautiful!!

like a boss? like a boss in a jungle><

Me and my favourite auntie!!

The wind blew!
can see how high i was? and i was standing on a glass staircase :S
Aww!!I hold it!!
Walked orchard road on the wrong date...with singapore youths and my small auntie!
Me and my beautiful sis, Ying Xiu jie!
Me and my sis! Can u know who is the younger one?
My funny siblings!
The next day, SENTOSA!!!
The scene was nice!!
That's called Singapore!
Adenture Core!
There was just a fews photos because i was busy-ing  enjoy and play!

Dinner time while enjoy the show "the song of the earth"
(if i'm x wrong with name of the show)

I LOVE THIS BOTTLE! <3 td="td">
Mention: I didn't have a chance to enter this:(
I WANT GO!!!!!

The biggest aquarium in the whole world.
Opened in Nov 2012
We had queue about 2 hours...

My favourite sweet with the edition design C:

The present which gave by the dinner below, DIN TAI FUNG.
Yummy place!!!
Visited my big auntie!

Din Tai Fung!! No.1!!
A yummy dinner chia by Xiao jiu before i fly off.
Thanks so much, Xiao jiu!!
Thanks for sending me off :)
Below this was the photos took by my small auntie. Thank you for everything!!
A picture took at Cloud Forest
Dinner with youths!!

We are hungry!!
My love!

Thanks for everything, youths!
One morning at my small auntie house,

I hold the building!! Am i strong?
What i done when my leg almost break...

Does us look like couple? ><

Thanks, sis!!

Visa card brought by my small auntie!
(It's pendrive 8Gb)
Finally, i saw my sweet sis before i fly off.
Thanks for coming!
I miss Singapore... Hope i'm going again soon!! Singapore, wait for me!!!:))))

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