Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Stpm Sem 1 (First term exam of form 6)

People always commented about form 6 is very hard and tough even i haven't start it and after form 6 start, not 1 person said about it, not 2 persons said about it, but is all the people around me said about it! but sadly i still have to cheat myself and tell myself "i can and able to handle it". But the reality is NOT, but it is the only choice and way to continue my future.
Ever, many times, i was really tired, suffer, hopeless and despair. I even think about quit form six and just find a work and my pressure will decrease. But without any support, i fail my this horrible thinking. And i just can walk one step by one step , that's what the only thing i can do. Times to times, i came before Lord and ask Him about His Will for me and the reason of Form 6. He doesn't answer and a voice said " Be Still and Know that I AM GOD."
Yes, i'm agree that His path is hard and tough. But i know and trust that He will bring me through all the tests and hardship. For His promises said:

Let talk about my exam! Honestly, i was not doing good in it. With mans' eyes, the new module system is good. To me also, when i haven't start form 6. But now, I know i was totally wrong!! Because it's more difficult. No enough time to study, need to study every details because they cant predict question for this is the first year with new system, exam time is no enough at all and so on.
My third paper, pengajian perniagaan, business, i was almost give up to do all the questions when i just looked through the questions. But thank God, i do not. I do whatever i can do. I felt so bad after exam, as my friend do so. I cried to God alone in the quiet night, i told God about all my problems and seek Him. I felt  God's presence, i felt His hug and made me so comfort in His hug. In His hug, I know that I can trust Him and lay down everything before him. 
He talks to me:
1) 你的成绩在我的手上, 你的前途在我的手上, 我是掌管者.
2) 你的痛苦不会比我在世上时的更痛苦, 门徒对我的背叛...., 我都熬过来了,你的小问题为什么        熬不过来?
Then, after 2 hours, i slept and exam for the last paper peacefully. What i can said is I had tried my very best already, God, may Your Will be done. My life without Your Will is vain and nothing. Thank you Jesus.
May i grow strongly in You:)

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