Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Wow, my dad so understand my mood ( refer to previous post). 
Yesterday night, about 11+pm, my dad said we go river, play water tomorrow after church. 
Really??? *i cant believe*
Then, i called to Charlie ko and Irene jie to make preparation. 
It was so fun!!!=D

We enjoyed!!:) 
Pls: Picture is taken by Aunty Annie! Thank you very much to her!!=)
Lastly, a valentine present for my dear Ai ling jie!!;D

Have a wonderful and blessed valentine,everyone!! Nitex!
***I'm glad to be single*** Muahahaha!!

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