Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Buddies from Singapore!! (last day)

Morning, i teach my bro. Gad ko brought them to swimburne.
Afternoon, my mum rushed back and prepare lunch for them.
Last mins prepared.
My buddies!!^^
on the way to airport:'(
Then, it was time to say good bye:'(
me & flower!
Bye and i gonna miss u both very much!!:'(

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Buddies from Singapore!! (Day 4- Damai)

Ah Ha! Today's highlight is Damai!!
Not many pictures.
Irene jie, ah Kai, Charlie Ko and me, just four of us swimming!!! Because some of them didn't bring clothes. My bro bought a short pants there.
I love the wave that push me forward XD

Then night, GG ko and Fu hua stayed at my house.
Me, Gab ko, Fu Hua and GG ko chatted until 5+am. haha!!! because it was their last night at kuching:')

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Buddies from Singapore!! (Day 3- BAKO)

It was a raining day since i opened my eyes. My first word to God is "WHY u didn't answer my prayer?"
Then, God reply me "WHY u greeted me with a complain?"
I'm quiet and surrender "God, i know u have your will and it will be the best Will to everyone for we are your children"
I trust that God will not forsake us every second wherever we are!

We started our journey from uncle Yong's house at 6:30am.
We reached!
not the top of the mountain,
 just the start of our journey, office!

Thank God for the rain stopped and good weather. 不用晒太阳 >_< 

The journey,
like our life,
up and down.
We never know
how long is the journey,
how tough is the journey.
We can only keep walk and move on
Once u take a break,
the people behind us may caught up us.
If u choose to walk back,
it sure will be harder than u walk on,
don't believe?
u can try:P

I fall down when i walked through the mud with my slipper.
It's not my slipper's wrong,
It's my sight wrong.
When i almost reached the beach,
my eyes attracted by the beautiful scenery.
hehe>_< then i fall down loh.
Same as our lives.
don't put your heart on two or more things,
must focus on one only,
and ONE GOD in our heart only.
But if u decided to press on,
u will see something beautiful than your thinking
is waiting for u there.
and the SUCCESSFUL!! u will shout to the world and share it!
So, brethren, PRESS ON!!
the eternal life and God is there waiting for us.
just a little bit of patience pls!;)
The naughty monyet! monkey!!
Wow!! A tiring but fun day!!! Then night, we, everyone went to church for prayer meeting!! 
Everyone of us present!!!:D

Friday, February 24, 2012

Buddies from Singapore!! (Day 2)

It's badminton time!!! EXERCISE!!

My buddies who went : Irene jie, Fu Hua, Me, Guo Guang ko, Gabriel ko, Joshua ko and Charlie ko.
We played for 2 hours. And lately Aunty Annie also joinned us! We had a lot of fun yea!!^^

Night time, of course is youth bible study. Tonight's speaker is Aunty Tsan. Our boring topic is BGR~ "Boy and Girl Relationship." Sorry, i said it's boring, because that's none of my business >< To me, single is the BEST always :P hahaXD
See how long is our "production"
My group.
Actually more than this, some don't want take picture leh.
Next, the most joyful time!! That's my dearest Irene jie's birthday!!!
Happy and blessed birthday, Irene jie!!^^

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Buddies from singapore!! (Day 1)

Our FLOWER reached kuching!
Welcome to CAT CITY!!
So thankful that Mum allowed me to follow them to airport and dinner with them. haha, sounds like eat dinner with them...but i didn't eat anything:P It was because i cant eat><""
Then, after dinner, i rushed back home. Can u guess why??? scared my mum angry??? no, it was because my shoe broke. hehe. Don't dare to tell them the reason, just said i want to be home.hehe*shy*

P/s: all the photos is taken by Guo Guang ko and Aunty Annie, and some from my mobile. Thanks to them.

Monday, February 20, 2012

緊緊抓住你 - Holding On To You - 讚美之泉










因 为 我 耶 和 华 ─ 你 的   神 必 搀 扶 你 的 右 手 , 对 你 说 : 不 要 害 怕 ! 我 必 帮 助 你 。
以 賽 亞 書 41:13
God's promise:
I am the Lord your God. I am holding your hand, so don't be afraid. I am here to help you. Isaiah 41:13

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Wow, my dad so understand my mood ( refer to previous post). 
Yesterday night, about 11+pm, my dad said we go river, play water tomorrow after church. 
Really??? *i cant believe*
Then, i called to Charlie ko and Irene jie to make preparation. 
It was so fun!!!=D

We enjoyed!!:) 
Pls: Picture is taken by Aunty Annie! Thank you very much to her!!=)
Lastly, a valentine present for my dear Ai ling jie!!;D

Have a wonderful and blessed valentine,everyone!! Nitex!
***I'm glad to be single*** Muahahaha!!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Holiday :) / :(

I LOVE holiday!!
but i HATE bored holiday!!!

Holiday should be fun...
but when all the people around me have no holiday,
what a holiday is this?!!

Holiday should be enjoy...
but when all the people are busy schooling or working,
what a holiday is this?!!

Many people hope to have...
but when u have a long holiday to spent with nothing,
what a holiday is this?!!

I sighed to have...
but when u are busy with school or work day by day,
u will really hope to have holiday
for breathe...

My holiday,
My days now,

It's bad ?
It's fun ?
It's just boring...

Watch tv...
No one hates holiday:)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A new look of me, a different life to be going on...

Should i be happy or sad?
Happy, i got the chance to do ortodontik?
Sad, i cant eat my loves food?
 it doesn't pain if i dun bite...
and i cant bite food directly.
Now i can only eat porridge...
And i have a drink soft drink with a straw...
Sounds like a patient :'(

 i have to use two tooth brush,
One big and one small!!
I hate brushing teeth from now on!!
but i have to brush teeth whenever after i eating!!

A new look of me
Give thanks,
God allowed me eat during Cny!! 
Indeed, i give thanks unto thee :)

I think it's the time that God want me to
It's really a sad thing to me...
because EAT made me feels that i alive,
because EAT made me feels that i happy:)
because EAT made me feels that  God don't want us to worry about food,
For He has prepared for us from the beginning!!!

Monday, February 6, 2012

It's today!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, today, It's today!!! I hav to ikat gigi!! Ouch, I'm scared!! the pain, the day after, i cant eat:(
God, please bless me today as much as u can.
I really need u, Lord!!!
My cry unto Thee today...

Holy Sunday XD

First week of February!! Uncle Yong gave a short speech and guided us to remembering the Jesus who die on the cross.
Then. it was the time for youth to presentation.
After the lunch, we celebrated Feb & March's youth birthday.
Next, we had two meeting going on at the same time, Sunday sch & gotong-royong.

haha. That's my first sunday of the Feb;D

Saturday, February 4, 2012

It's saturday today!!

Ever see my note?? If u saw it, u will know that i was going for badminton...
It was fun but the only thing is i'm the only girl >< Because all the girls is lazy?? NO!! They had their own reason, so please understand...(sick, weekend-need more sleep,sch....)
So i went with Charlie ko, Simon ko and Joshua ko. haha. All is "ko", am i the lucky one??==''' because many "ko" s cared me and teach me badminton:) This was the first time i played badminton for 2 hours!! I was tired but fun:D
Thank God that Simon ko "chia" us badminton:)
God bless him.
This photo was x so nice, but this is the only photos. hehe. paiseh ah. I'm lazy to take it because over enjoyed the badminton.
At evening, something good news!! My bro bought a phone. And Charlie ko and Joshua ko also joined us:) Their purpose is want my bro buy a samsung phone. But they failed because one of the my mum "syarat" to allow my bro buy phone is nokia.
Then, we went for a dinner:)
At Saberkas.

Then, we back to my house and went to church for prayer meeting together.
After prayer meeting, they guys had a short basketball session.

I know it's Joshua ko want me to take de:P

Friday, February 3, 2012

Practice song presentation!

Although there was only a few youths, but we practiced with our best:)

Good night!:) Gonna badminton with youths tomorrow~