Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Sunday, April 29, 2012


今天如常的星期天, 去教会和园地工作.
吃了晚饭,正准备回家时. 爸爸接到公公的电话. 于是,我们就回了婆婆的家.
一到的时候,三伯就问我妈妈今天是什么日子. *不知道*
今天是农历四月初九------->  我的生日!!
几伤心一下没人记得 >_<  但是,也不能怪别人啦~ 我自己也不是给忘了.
但是, 后来三伯也给了我一个小小的礼物.

不错!至少还有礼物 ^^

让人最开心的是还有呢~ 我在那里看蒙福教会的直播
我深信我的全家人有一天都会信主的, 阿门!

Friday, April 20, 2012

I grow up!!!

Suddenly, the driving and the laptop made me feel that i grow up...
I'm going to be adult soon!!! o.0
but if i have choice, i choose to be a kid XD

First time drving!!! *excited and fear*

Wow!! this morning about 12 noon received a call from my sifu. He said gonna have car lesson on 1:30pm. but he came at 1 pm. lol...he's not a punctual people. before he was too late, and now he was too early. LOL ==
Okay, my mood was excited + fear!! I really don't know anything about driving!! Seriously, i don't know at all!! But sifu just leave a driver seat for me. o.0!!!
Then i just follow what he said. I enjoyed it with fear. If he didn't say anything, i think i also don't know do what. hahaXD
I drive car from my house until matang car centre leh!!! wow!!! quite far journey and big road again!OH MAN!!! I think i was a kid around the adult on the road, like a snake!! LOL!  because i was not sure my car is in the road or not.
First time drive car!! =D

New laptop!!! ^^

Ohyeah!!!!!!!!!! I got my own laptop!!!
The dream is happened,
the prayer is answered  :)

I look a laptop which cost Rm 1999. But my mum said Rm 2399 is better!!! haha!!!
This laptop is a present from my parents to encourage me and my spm results :)
Asus laptop!
Thank God for it!!!
Now i have to control my self and arrange my time well liao!!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Uncle Chee Poh and Aunty Suat Yuan's visiting

Sunday, Uncle Chee Poh was sharing the Words of God about obedience....
Afternoon gotong royong!!!
Ohya! Samuel ko is back!!! haha!
After gotong royong, we went to batu kawa eat dinner!!
While waiting for uncle tsan them~

waited until all the food coming
yummy dinner
(may be too hungry) hahaXD
Then, my family brought uncle Chee Poh them to riverside. We had a long street walking after dinner :) nice!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

神的恩典永远够我用!God's grace is always sufficient for me!

It's my sharing testimony time about result again! WOW! Indeed, God's grace is always sufficient for me!
 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
 Do you know why why?? why? haha!!! Because God's grace is always sufficient for me lah!:P
Today i had my law test!!!  the exam's requirement is 42/50! then only u can pass. 
My sis got 50/50!! OMG right???  My mum got 47/50!! Their excellent
 results had been my pressure.But then i realised  something and i told God that i 
don't want compare with others. I want to be what u want me to be. 
I'm not lived for people, but for God only. 
I don't care people's view, i just care what God wants me to be:P
Guess what i can get??? haha!! it's a funny result for me! fail???? i able to fail...
Thank God i didn't fail yea!!! I passed with 42/50!!!haha!!! Thank God!
While  i was waiting outside the exam room, suddenly i felt that someone (my heart or God?)
 is asking me what do u want to get?
Then, i did a same prayer with the prayer before spm. I prayed to God that i don't need 
too many correct, i just want to pass.
Yeah! God answered my prayer!! with a "great" marks! haha!
waiting for "sifu" to fetch me after exam :)