Be a wise and holy man after God

Love wisdom, and she will make you great. Embrace her and she will bring you honor. Proverbs 4:8
Those who become wise are happy;wisdom will give them life.
Proverbs 3:18
我活着,不是要讨人的喜悦,而是讨神的喜悦. 不爽我,没关系! 我不介意的你的眼光,我只在意我神对我的看法。~~~~~~我要做我自己生命的主角,神是我生命的主人:)

Sunday, June 5, 2011


hahaha!!! Just can express my feeling now with the word "GREAT"!!!It was a really great and memorable night!!!! My first time to X X...The answer is as below....
Usual sunday service, speech from Uncle Yong and Alex ko.
Then, mum cooked "low ap" at church. Taste delicious!!! After lunch, we went to airport, sent Xiao Aunty and her family back to singapore. (My two little cute cousin)^^

Shun Yi
Shun Hong
Evening, back to church, GOTONG-ROYONG!!
Then, the highlight of today is :
Someone asked to go cinema today...My parents never allow me to go and i never go MBO as kuching ppl.hehe. Then, my mum gave one syarat is must Charlie ko, Joshua ko, Ah kai and me must gotong royong. ahaha!!! We BERJAYA!! We went to watch "KUNG FU PANDA 2" . Quite NICE!!!=D
Ohya, after the gotong royong. I played bicycle in the rain, then unfortunately i fell down, alots of wounds on my leg:(
Okay, just short eyes want to 99 liao...and tomoro have a extra bio class.haha
Wait, the ans is "MY FIRST TIME TO GO MBO!!"=D

Friday, June 3, 2011


城市里 小星星
稀疏的 亮晶晶
太多光 吃掉他们的身影
就像我 爱上你
隐没在 灯海里
你眼中 只看繁华的夜景
我的爱藏在你的 背影里
天黑的时候 我远远陪着你
再小的闪烁 也努力放光明
偶尔被发现 希望我眨眼
想把小星星 排成爱的图形
为你的天空 点缀一些惊奇
即使像流星一闪而过 寂寞也情愿
不求你看见 只想为你发光 永远
遇见你 小星星
孤单的 湿淋淋
就像我 总被你
月光下 才有机会想念你
我的爱藏在你的 背影里
天黑的时候 我远远陪着你
再小的闪烁 也努力放光明
偶尔被发现 希望我眨眼
想把小星星 排成爱的图形
为你的天空 点缀一些惊奇
即使像流星一闪而过 寂寞也情愿
不求你看见 只想为你发光 永远
天黑的时候 我远远陪着你
再小的闪烁 也努力放光明
偶尔被发现 希望我眨眼
想把小星星 排成爱的图形
为你的天空 点缀一些惊奇
即使像流星一闪而过 寂寞也情愿

This song was played in my mind this whole week. SWEET!!! It's present my heart to "ta", hope "ta" can heard it!!!